Tuesday, April 28, 2020

How to Find a Career You Enjoy and Make it Happen! - Hallie Crawford

How to Find a Career You Enjoy and Make it Happen! My next Career Seekers Teleclass is coming up September 26. The class is filling up so contact me right way to enroll or for more information! Contact Hallie Discover what career path is right for you and how you can successfully make it happen, learn how to determine what you want to do, plus a whole lot more… This is a great class; it’s inspiring, informative, fun, rewarding and provides results. Don’t wait! Take a stand for your life and don’t settle. You CAN enjoy your work. Go to Career Seekers Teleclass or contact me for more information. What others have said: “I uncovered mental patterns that hold me back and got the tools to overcome them”… “I was able to take the steps to create the life I wanted”… “Im getting paying work, Im feeling a sense of accomplishment, and Im enjoying it!”… “The benefits last beyond the time you are in the class” “I feel energized after our classes and focused” … “The coaching class has been an amazing experience and re-awakening for me”

Saturday, April 18, 2020

Tips for WSJ Resume Writing

Tips for WSJ Resume WritingWSJ resume writing is about as popular as it gets with business writers. It's a useful way to go about making a good first impression on the hiring manager you're interviewing with. You must be thinking that this is a pretty straight forward process, but it's not. Here are a few things to keep in mind when it comes to the WSJ resume writing process.Keep it brief: When it comes to creating a resume, avoid using too much information or write down too much in one sentence. Be concise and to the point and make sure you always include your name and title. If you can, shorten your writing by two or three sentences and keep your formatting neat and clean. Remember that this is a very important document that you want to have perfect information and not waste any of it.Be consistent: Always refer back to the basics and use the same format for all of your resumes. It's important to keep your information straight and simple as well. Don't switch between resume formats like email, CD, flyers, and brochures. You want to avoid having to repeat yourself so you want to make sure that everything is the same and you don't have to worry about being sloppy.Informative: When you are using a simple template, try and use more specific and detailed information to give the reader more insight into your experience. Often times you can find specific information in the job description or online about how the company works. Your application also needs to include any jobs that you have held before that were related to the position you are applying for. Even if it is a minor detail, be sure to include it because it can help a potential employer see that you are fully equipped to do the job.Remember to be professional: Always provide references, and this means always including the name and email address of the person you are referring to. Although you will probably forget their names the next time you talk to them, you want to make sure that they know who you are re ferring to and you will give them a chance to call or email you before you let them know. Always make sure you take the time to do this because it's very important.Local Areas: While it is not required that you use your home state, if you live in a large metropolitan area, it might be beneficial to add in some information about where you work and where you live. Often times these places include things like your age, what your employer does, and where you work. This will help make it easier for potential employers to get a good feel for your personality.That's all there is to it. While there may be other things to keep in mind, these are the most basic tips that you should remember when writing a WSJ resume. They make sure that you won't forget anything important and keep you from getting distracted during the interview process.

Monday, April 13, 2020

New Ideas Into Problem Solving Skills Resume Never Before Revealed

New Ideas Into Problem Solving Skills Resume Never Before Revealed Give them with the assurance that you're with them in their effort to fix the issue. Remember that your resume is your very first field of protection with respect to landing your excellent job. Resume examples at no cost can help you in a detailed course of on methods to compose your resume. When it does, it's helpful to provide some examples of your capacity in your cover letter. Provide a good deal of praise as soon as your child practices her problem-solving skills. The teacher asks you the way to manage the situation with that preferred toy and the way to support children to address common social issues. The overall philosophy of the teacher for a facilitator helping the child to learn and understand, is a lot more akin to the philosophy adopted in different regions of the curriculum than it's in the more customary approach to mathematics. It might not be possible for a parent to teach all issue solving skills which exist on the planet. Problem solving isn't a difficult act of science but it's an art of enduring any given situation with alacrity and fast mind. Problem solving is an easy procedure. Problem solving skills are needed to resolve conflicts that come up on almost each day. Problem Solving Tackling unexpected problems requires a whole lot of creativity. The 30-Second Trick for Problem Solving Skills Resume Consult your kids for advice when you've got an issue. Problems haunt people each and every day and night. When they arise in the room, discuss your thought processes as you work through the problem. The issue is, such problems take lots of time and plenty of guidance from the teacher. Problem solving can be active and passive. Select a problem which you don't know the remedy to beforehand. In order to learn a solution, you want to recognize the issue first. Every problem has a succession of solutions. On the contrary, it's a chance for learning. Lear ning how to solve problems is an important life skill. Especially in regards to transferable soft skills like creative thinking. Taking some time to form hypotheses during play is a crucial thinking exercise that will help develop skills.