Friday, December 27, 2019

Why Antonio Got Hired and Dan Didnt

Why Antonio Got Hired and Dan DidntWhy Antonio Got Hired and Dan DidntWhy Antonio Got Hired and Dan DidntUnless youre an HGTV geek like I am, you dont know that Antonio and Dan were the finalists on HGTVs entwurf Star competition last weekend. Antonio won, which means hell be the host of his own design show next season. And Dan, who was arguably the better designer, got the hook. It was yet another reminder that getting hired is not always a matter of having the best qualifications, especially when the judges (hiring managers) have several great candidates to choose from.Most hiring managers would probably agree that making a good hire requires finding the right mix of experience, education, skills, and personality. And its often the personal qualities that turn out to be the most important.Heres how the Design Star finalists stacked upAntonio is heavily tattooed, wears horn-rim glasses, and is not classically handsome (though hes got a little supm, supm going on, if you know what I mean). Hes rough, gruff, bearded, and a little grungy, and has no formal design education. Hes also 40 years old and still wears hightop sneakers. He is not cut from the typical HGTV designer cloth.Dan, 27, is physically perfect. Perfect hair, body, clothes, teeth. Hes super sweet, with an open, enthusiastic, and friendly personality. At 27, with an architecture degree, hes much more what youd expect in a design show host, and initially seemed like a shoo-in.In most jobs, being similar to the existing team is a good thing. Yet Antonio is not like any of the other designers on HGTV. The lesson? Every job opportunity comes with its own set of circumstances and its own definition of the ideal candidate. The very things that get you rejected for one opportunity may get you hired in the next. Lets face it You wont be invited for an interview unless theyre fairly certain from your resume and titelblatt letter that you could do the job adequately. Therefore, your interviewers will be focus ingmore on your personality, work style, work ethic, and attitude than on your past experience or education.So learn the rules of a successful job search, but apply them in a way that feels comfortable for you. Trust your gut. Stay true to your ideals. Be yourself (within professional boundaries), and know that eventually youll be the right candidate in the right place at the right time. How about you? Have you ever been hired for a job that you seemed all wrong for? If not, feel free to dish about Dan or Antonio

Monday, December 23, 2019

Awful[ly Funny] Job Search Mistakes

Awfully Funny Job Search Mistakes Awfully Funny Job Search Mistakes Here are some tips to avoid common resume mistakesCheck your spelling. Nothing breaks a heart quite like spell check. Microsoft Word doesnt know you do not actually have referees upon request, or that you are not actually soliciting employment from either a sir or Madman. If the mistake is in the dictionary, spell check will overlook it, so dont trust your word processor its a fickle beast.For a laugh, check out Resumarks recent blog entry on the most hilarious spelling mistakes on resumes and titel letters.Say what you mean. Its easy to be confused by similar words. Many a candidate has mentioned his impersonal skills rather than his interpersonal skills or that she managed capital, not capitol. And although a candidate probably complimented his boss to get ahead at his last position, he must make sure to disclose that he complemented the boss on the job. In short, make sure your words convey your intended meanin g.Know yourself. Do not misrepresent your personal information. If your resume says you graduated in 1895, you might be a triumph of modern medicine, but mora than likely, you are just a careless person who graduated in 1995. It might also help to include the area code on your phone number and the domain name of your email address.Former Yahoo CEO Scott Thompson padded his resume with a college degree that he did not actually earn and he was ousted.Format your text. If you submit a resume that is a single run-on sentence, a single paragraph and/or entirely in capital letters, your professionalism will invariably be called to question. Make sure to adjust your resume if it gets reformatted, and be sure that it is always easy to read.Check out this candy bar resume, which is formatted perfectly despite the creative wrapping.Although inadvertent spelling and grammar mistakes are an unfortunate addition to your resume or cover letter, perhaps one of the worst types of resume blunders come from candidates who have no idea they have made an error. Here are some tips to avoid putting your foot in your mouth, and forcing a hiring manager to send your application to the bottom of the pileAvoid jokes. Unless you are applying to be a comedian, steer clear of humor. Mentioning you have an excellent track record but that you are not a horse will at best will get a light chuckle from the hiring manager as she crumples up your application.Be specific, but not too specific. Listing just worked with co-workers or worked with food as job responsibilities makes you appear inarticulate. A six-page resume with an eight-page cover letter makes you look obsessive. Look for a happy medium that combines a list of your past experiences with the results that you achieved.Dont include too much information. Some people, especially those with limited work experience, like to list all their accomplishments. Make sure you only include those that highlight your qualifications. Prom Queen or level 10 dungeon master is probably not applicable to the position you are applying for.Be positive. Never explain why you left your last job or that you have trouble following directions. Pro tip Saying you crumpled under pressure, but are looking for redemption, isnt as hilarious to a hiring manager as it sounds in your head.If you are not sure how a point on your resume will go over with a hiring manager, leave it out. Set yourself apart from other job candidates by being succinct, professional, creative, and reasonable.Also, one last proofread couldnt hurt.Master the art of closing deals and making placements. Take our Recruiter Certification Program today. Were SHRM certified. Learn at your own pace during this 12-week program. Access over 20 courses. Great for those who want to break into recruiting, or recruiters who want to further their career.

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

How to Gain Experience Working With Animals

How to Gain Experience Working With AnimalsHow to Gain Experience Working With AnimalsGaining practical experience with animals is critical for those hoping to work in many animal career paths.Many veterinarian programs require hands-on experience with animals to gain acceptance, and your experience will also provide you with valuable references. So how can you gain this essential experience?Here are ten of the best ways to gain experience working with animals Work at a Veterinary Clinic Even if you are not intending to work in the animal health field, having prior work experience at a veterinary clinic is one of the best things you can include on your resume.Veterinary assistants and technicians tend to have superior animal handling skills combined with a solid knowledge of animal behavior and physiology.These attributes are highly valued in many career paths. Volunteer at a Shelter or Rescue Shelters and rescue groups are always in need of volunteers to perform a variety of tasks (such as completing kennel chores, providing basic obedience training, and assisting with the puppy or kitten adoption rooms).Volunteer experience is every bit as valuable as paid experience on your resume.Be sure to document your hours. Start a Pet Sitting tafelgeschirr Running a pet sitting business clearly demonstrates that you have both animal and entrepreneurial skills.This type of business has a low start-up cost and can be operated as a small-scale sideline business if you so desire. Choose an Animal Related Degree Program Your college major can be a great way to gain experience in an animal related field.Majors like animal science, biology, equine science, and marine biology can include a fairly substantial amount of hands-on experience working with animals.You may also have the opportunity to learn about anatomy and physiology through dissections and lab work. Participate in College Work Study Programs Many colleges and universities have animal production facilities that employ students, and this can be a great way to gain experience with a variety of livestock species.Common production operations on campus may include those focused on beef cattle, dairy cattle, horses, pigs, sheep, and poultry.Some schools also employ students to perform animal related lab work (such as processing and shipping semen, cutting meat, or testing samples). Volunteer at a Zoo or Wildlife Rehabilitation Facility Zoos and wildlife rehabilitation centers often have volunteer programs for students or those interested in seeing what goes on behind the scenes.If you have any interest in working with exotic animal species, this can be a great chance to enhance your resume.Zoo career paths, in particular, have a highly competitive selection process, with many more applicants than there are positions available. As a result, prior experience can be a major advantage. Work at a Farm or Stable For those interested in large animal or livestock careers, workin g at a farm or stable can be a great way to become familiar with the behavior of cattle, horses, and other livestock species. Complete Animal Related Internships Internship programs are one of the very best ways to gain experience working with animals.There are internship programs focused on many animal career paths including pre-veterinary internships, equine internships, marine animal internships, zoo internships, canine internships, dairy internships, beef internships, aquaculture internships, insect internships, wildlife rehabilitation internships, primate internships, reptile internships, animal behavior internships, and more. Participate in Job Shadowing If possible you should try to shadow a professional in your field of interest as they perform their daily duties.It can be a great opportunity to ask questions and get a behind the scenes look at careers that you are considering. Achieve Professional Certification There are a variety of certification programs that can enhance a candidates professional credentials.Certification programs are available for pet care, animal massage, animal behavior, animal-assisted therapy, dog training, animal control, riding instruction, dog grooming, laboratory technology, wildlife rehabilitation, and more.

Friday, December 13, 2019

10 ways to spot a truly exceptional employee

10 ways to spot a truly exceptional employee10 ways to spot a truly exceptional employeeA recent international study surveyed mora than 500 business leaders and asked them what sets great employees apart. The researchers wanted to know why some people are more successful than others at work, and the answers were surprising leaders chose personality as the leading reason.Follow Ladders on FlipboardFollow Ladders magazines on Flipboard covering Happiness, Productivity, Job Satisfaction, Neuroscience, and moreNotably, 78% of leaders said personality sets great employees apart, more than cultural fit (53%) and even an employees skills (39%).We should take care not to make the intellect our God it has, of course, powerful muscles, but no personality. Albert EinsteinThe problem is, when leaders say personality they dont understand what theyre referring to. Personality consists of a stable set of preferences and tendencies through which we approach the world. Being introverted or extroverte d is an example of an important personality trait.Personality traits form at an early age and are fixed by early adulthood. Many important things about you change over the course of your lifetime, but your personality isnt one of them.Personality is distinct from intellect (or IQ). The two dont occur together in any meaningful way. Personality is also distinct from emotional intelligence (or EQ), and this is where the study, and most leaders for that matter, have misinterpreted the term.The qualities that leaders in the study called personality were actually emotional intelligence skills. And unlike your personality, which is set in stone, you can change and improve your EQ.Exceptional employees dont possess God-given personality traits they rely on simple, everyday EQ skills that anyone can incorporate into their repertoire.Leaders dont need to go searching for these skills either (though it doesnt hurt when you find them) their duty is to help everyone on their gruppe beschirrung these skills to become exceptional.Just consider some of the EQ skills that leaders and managers commonly mislabel as personality characteristics. These are the skills that set exceptional employees apart.Theyre willing to delay gratificationOne thing an exceptional employee never says is, Thats not in my job description. Exceptional employees work outside the boundaries of job descriptions. Theyre neither intimidated nor entitled instead of expecting recognition or compensation to come first, they forge ahead in their work, confident that theyll be rewarded later but unconcerned if theyre not.They can tolerate conflictWhile exceptional employees dont seek conflict, they dont run away from it either. Theyre able to maintain their composure while presenting their positions calmly and logically. Theyre able to withstand personal attacks in pursuit of the greater goal and never use that tactic themselves.They focusStudent pilots are often told, When things start going wrong, dont forge t to fly the plane. Plane crashes have resulted from pilots concentrating so hard on identifying the problem that they flew the plane into the ground. Eastern Airlines Flight 401 is just one example The flight crew welches so concerned about the landing gear being down that they didnt realize they were losing altitude until it was too late, despite alarms going off in the cockpit. Exceptional employees understand the principle of Just fly the plane. They dont get distracted by cranky customers, interoffice squabbles, or switch to a different brand of coffee. They can differentiate between real problems and background noise therefore, they stay focused on what matters.Theyre judiciously courageousExceptional employees are willing to speak up when others are not, whether its to ask a difficult (or embarrassingly simple) question or to challenge an executive decision. However, thats balanced with common sense and timing. They think before they speak and wisely choose the best time and place to do so.Theyre in control of their egosExceptional employees have egos. While thats part of what drives them, they never give their egos more weight than what is deserved. Theyre willing to admit when theyre wrong and willing to do things someone elses way, whether its because the other way is better or its important to maintain team harmony.Theyre never satisfiedExceptional employees have unparalleled convictions that things can always be better- and theyre right. No one is ever done growing, and there is no such thing as good enough when it comes to personal improvement. No matter how well things are going, exceptional employees are driven to improve, without forgetting to give themselves a healthy pat on the back.They recognize when things are broken and fix themWhether its a sticky desk drawer or an inefficient, wasteful process affecting the cash flow of the entire department, exceptional employees dont walk past problems. Oh, its been that way forever, simply isnt in th eir vocabulary. They see problems as issues to be fixed immediately itsthatsimple.Theyre accountableIf youre a manager trying to decipher a bungled report, Its not my fault is the most irritating phrase in the English language. Exceptional employees are accountable. They own their work, their decisions, and all of their results- good or bad. They bring their mistakes to managements attention rather than hoping no one will find out. They understand that managers arent out to assign blame theyre out to get things done.Theyre marketableMarketable can mean many things. Inside the organization, it means likeable. Exceptional employees are well liked by co-workers. They have integrity and leadership skills (even if theyre not in an official leadership position) that people respond to. Externally, it means they can be trusted to represent the brand well. Managers know they can send these employees out to meet with clients and prospects without worrying about what theyll say or do.They neut ralize toxic peopleDealing with difficult people is frustrating and exhausting for most. Exceptional employees control their interactions with toxic people by keeping their feelings in check. When they need to confront a toxic person, they approach the situation rationally. They identify their own emotions and dont allow anger or frustration to fuel the chaos. They also consider the difficult persons standpoint and are able to find solutions and common ground. Even when things completely derail, emotionally intelligent people are able to take the toxic person with a grain of salt to avoid letting him or her bring them down.Bringing It All TogetherTake notice of whats not mentioned coding skills, years of experience, business degrees, etc. These things matter, but they wont make you exceptional.What other qualities make people exceptional? Please share your thoughts in the comments section below, as I learn just as much from you as you do from me.This article first appeared on Linked in.You might also enjoyNew neuroscience reveals 4 rituals that will make you happyStrangers know your social class in the first seven words you say, study finds10 lessons from Benjamin Franklins daily schedule that will ersatzdarsteller your productivityThe worst mistakes you can make in an interview, according to 12 CEOs10 habits of mentally strong people

Sunday, December 8, 2019

Information Technology Resume Examples - the Conspiracy

Information Technology Resume Examples - the Conspiracy Basically, youre giving the reviewer a shortcut to earn their screening process easier and to ensure you pass the screening. Youll notice some huge differences. The add-on to your resume is crucial. The technical and skilled experience summaries are frequently the trick to getting past the initial resume screening. The Basics of Information Technology Resume Examples You have to offer relevant, concise details. You should also make bulleted lists to neatly summarize key info. Next ensure use of good resume keywords. Additional info and facts. Now have a look at your information technology resume. You might want to include years of knowledge and the kinds of experience, perhaps even summarize your experience with some of the most significant technologies linked to the position. As an example, imagine youre asking for a job which demands enterprise migration experience. In the example of Information technology resum es, you will need to underline the technologies where you possess an expertise. Other employers might have a preference for candidates with certifications, but they arent required. It is very important to be aware you should only add skills that are pertinent to the position youre applying for. When an applicant doesnt have enough keywords from the work listing in their application, the candidate may be eliminated. Also note how he hints at how their skills can help the company. My Resume writing welches proven again and again. At the same time that you must be sure that you satisfy all the necessary buzz words, it is just as important to make sure that your resume is leise simple to read for the people who will gradually see it. An expert summary paints the picture which you have requisite experience and are not attempting to break in to a specific field, since youre already there, he states. You came to the correct place to compose your technical resume. Employing buzz words has changed into a crucial technique that lots of job seekers still have yet to be able master. Resumes that have the most important or a massive quantity of keywords are much more inclined to get passed on to the folks who will in fact be offering you an interview. Bear in mind that recruiters might not be familiarized with tech jargon, so only utilize as much technical language as you have to show what youre capable of. Choosing Information Technology Resume Examples Is Simple When listing your abilities and experience, be sure you are as specific as possible. Although in the work interview it is not enough merely to list the skills, youve got to demonstrate how you use them, and the way they may be transferred to your new function. Make sure your pertinent accomplishments and skills really stick out. Instead, youre highlight relevant abilities and achievements from previous work in the neatly-aligned bullet points. Make certain you can present your future employer s you can cut it upon your own if someone is out sick. Have a look at the assumptions you baked into your initial plan. Do not begin writing the resume until youve got any idea about the employer. A legal professional seeking the most suitable job ought to have a strong resume to be able to be noticed by the employers. The Secret to Information Technology Resume Examples Employers make it sound as they are searching for particular skill sets and thats partially accurate. An internet developer can expect to earn a salary in the array of $35,000 to $105,000 annually. Big companies will enable you to sharpen pencils. fruchtwein companies wish to find months, not just years especially in case you have some jumps or if youre currently unemployed (i.e. they wish to understand how long youve been out). Be certain to take the time you want to consider through what you may provide the hiring manager. To find out more on what it requires to be a It Specialist, take a look at our c omplete IT Specialist Job Description. You should demonstrate ways to be quite beneficial to the department for the advertised position. Your experience for a cashier at Burger King isnt likely to aid you in getting work at an IT consulting firm. The Ultimate Information Technology Resume Examples Trick Some businesses will indicate they would like you to submit a CV in the place of a resume. Our internet developer resume samples will reveal to you just how to present your qualifications so that employers will see your all-inclusive experience and expert background. Even if your information is in bullet format, it may still be hard to quickly recognize the pertinent abilities and accomplishments which are important to the possible employer. You simply picked the incorrect tech resume format.

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

How to Guide Young Professionals Through Your Hiring Process

How to Guide Young Professionals Through Your Hiring ProcessHiring young professionals? Get the secrets from InternQueen GenZ HiringClick To TweetIn the 22nd vorkommnis of The Recruiting Reel, Lauren Berger, the CEO and Founder of, discusses how to guide young professionals through your hiring process and into long term careers at your organization. Heres the transcriptJosh TolanMy name is Josh Tolan and Im the CEO of Spark Hire, the leading video interviewing platform used by thousands of organizations around the world.And this is The Recruiting Reel, a video series in which we discuss real recruiting challenges with prominent recruiting experts to provide you with actionable tips you can apply to your own recruitingWith the summer internship season fast approaching, the release of this episode couldnt have better timing.Today, were joined by the Intern Queen herself, Lauren Berger. She is the CEO and Founder of which offers a more personalized way fo r young people to connect with the internships and career opportunities of their dreams. Shes authored several best-selling books, speaks at over 50 events per year, has been featured on major media outlets, and has an extremely popular YouTube channel.As you begin to recruit, hire, and onboard your next group of interns or young professionals, its important for you to understand how to guide them through your hiring process and into careers at your organization.With Laurens experience working with young professionals and employers, she is the perfect expert for this topic. Take it away, LaurenLauren Berger Hi Im Lauren Berger, CEO and founder of InternQueen.comBiggest obstacles Gen Z faces in the hiring processTo answer these questions, the first one is what are the biggest obstacles Gen Z faces in the hiring process and in transitioning into a new role with an employer. I think one of the biggest obstacles is that there seems to be a disconnect between the skillset that employers look for and the skill set students graduate with. So I think that opportunities like internships are crucial because its an opportunity for young people to really understand what it takes to be successful at work.Hiring young professionalsThe second one is what strategies can recruiters and hiring professionals use to help Gen Z navigate the hiring process. I think the best strategy employers can utilize is providing feedback. Its interesting timing with this video as were going to be doing exit interviews and giving feedback to our fall interns today And its so important that our interns really hear and realize this feedback because their insight into what employers are looking for in the real world. Empowering young professionals at your organizationNumber 3 How can recruiters and hiring professionals hit the ground running and adopt a positive role in their company from day one? I think the way recruiters can help Gen Z get set up for success from day one is identifying what the se young people want to eventually be doing and help lay out their career path. Show them that theyre bedrngnis at this job forever, youre at this job to hit benchmark one, and benchmark two, and benchmark three and so on. I think when you can see that big picture, and you dont just feel like youre coming to work to come to work and theres no upward mobility, thats how Gen Z can really see the bigger picture and be really successful.Josh TolanAnd thats why they call her the Intern QueenBuilding on top of what Lauren said, its super important for you to understand that bedrngnis every young professional knows exactly what they want to do or what their skills are best suited for. In fact, most dont and thats okayIts your job as a recruiter or hiring manager to identify the candidates strengths throughout the hiring process and identify areas where they can add value within the organization. Of course, you should be framing this in light of the position they are interviewing for, but y ou should also be thinking about the bigger picture and what their growth opportunities look like.As Lauren mentioned, its critical that you provide feedback to young professionals. These people want to know what you think about them. This starts in the hiring process, continues into their internship, and even beyond that once they are full time.And make these conversations a two-way street. Encourage them to brainstorm with you. What do they think theyll do well in? Where do they see themselves growing? What do they like? What do they dislike?The younger generation wants to know youre invested in them. You have a ton of opportunities to demonstrate this as earlier as your first conversation with them in the hiring process. Show them you care and this will help you not only guide them through your hiring process, but also into long-term careers at your organization.I want to thank Lauren Berger for joining us today. If youd like to learn more about her company, check out the website at To connect with Lauren on LinkedIn, please use the URL below (https// Also, follow her on Twitter InternQueen and you can subscribe to her YouTube channel at you for watching The Recruiting Reel and stay tuned for more episodes. For additionalHR and recruiting content, head over to and subscribe. Also, follow us on Twitter,sparkhire. And subscribe to ourYouTube channelto be the first to know about the newest episodes of The Recruiting Reel.Thanks again for watching and happy recruiting

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Healthy New Years resolutions which dont require going to the gym

Healthy New Years resolutions which dont require going to the gymHealthy New Years resolutions which dont require going to the gymFor many of us, January marks a fresh start. After all, its the start of a new year and the perfect time to make some healthy changes in the form of New Years Resolutions which can help you to become a better version of yourself.No sooner has the Christmas cheer disappeared, were bombarded with messages about keeping fit and heading to the gym to become healthier, and for many of us, this can seem like a chore.If joining a gym or working out isnt on your list of New Year resolutions, dont beat yourself up about it. Therbeie are some great, easy and healthy changes you can make which will have a big impact on your wellbeing. To explain more, Nutritionist Kym Lang from Enterosgel shares her six healthy new years resolutions, and theres not a gym in sight.1. Meal prep every SundayIf you struggle to get up on time each morning, let alone make a packed lunch, t hen meal prep is your secret strategy to achieving healthy eating goals. Putting aside an hour each Sunday will set you up for the coming week, and you might even enjoy the meditative chopping and dicing.Make a batch of overnight oats to last you a few days and cook up a healthy grain like quinoa, and portion it up for lunchtime salads or dinnertime grain bowls. Roast a tray of vegetables like broccoli and sweet potato, and keep a simple dressing in the fridge to add some zest.2. Eat little and oftenSkipping meals is the worst way to lose weight. By the time of your next meal youll be tired, ravenous and more likely to reach for high-fat or sugary foods. Plus, youre also missing out on important nutrients.Eating three square meals and two healthy snacks, morning and afternoon, will keep your energy up and minimise cravings. Make time for breakfast, even if its a porridge pot on the way to the office, and stock your desk drawer with fruit, oatcakes and almond butter to make it easy.3 . Nourish your gutIf you get frequent stomach bugs or suffer with IBS, make a new years resolution to prioritise your gut health. Your digestive ordnungsprinzip plays a significant role in regulating immunity plus, your gut microbiome protects against pathogens.Give your immunity a boost by eating fermented foods rich in beneficial bacteria, like live yoghurt, kefir, miso or kimchi. If you often find yourself with an upset tummy, try Enterosgel (20.99 from, a unique and drug-free organic gastrointestinal adsorbent. It binds to bacterial toxins which cause stomach upsets, gently removing harmful molecules with the stool and speeding up recovery.4. Drink more waterWeve all made this resolution, yet its the easiest to break. Good hydration supports your gut and kidneys, and wards off dehydration-related headaches and tiredness, so stick to your goal this year with these tipsKeep a full water bottle on your desk, or drink a glass before each meal (which studies show can a lso ward off weight gain). Pep up your water jug with fresh cucumber slices, frozen berries or mint leaves. Herbal tea also counts try flavours like liquorice or ginger that you can drink hot or cold.5. Up your fruit and veg intakeIt can be hard to hit your 5-a-day with a busy work and social life, despite your best intentions. Yet getting more vegetables and fruit in your diet can reduce the risk of some cancers and boost immunity with their phytochemicals, substances which are thought to protect your bodys cells from damage.For maximum benefits, eat a wide variety of veg and fruit each day. Try loading your sandwich with salad, and fill half your plate with veg at dinner. Fresh, frozen and canned vegetables all count, as do beans and pulses. If you have an aversion to vegetables, try sprinkling over sesame seeds, seasoning with miso or stir-frying with garlic.6. Eat mindfullyIts easy to rush through the day without noticing what youre eating. How many times have you found yourself snacking straight out of the fridge, or finishing a bag of crisps when you only meant to have a handful? Not paying attention to how you eat can upset your bodys fullness signals.So, take time to really taste, smell and enjoy your food. Even ten minutes away from your desk to eat lunch can help. At home, set the table and play relaxing music, even if youre dining solo. Studies show that mindful eating can help you with portion control and digestion, improve mood and reduce cravings.This article was originally published on YourCoffeeBreak.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

The Best Time to Apply for an Internship

The Best Time to Apply for an InternshipThe Best Time to Apply for an InternshipWhen is the best time to apply for an internship? It depends. If you are interested in a credit-bearing internship, youll need to check the application deadline with your school. Competitive internships with a formal application process will have deadlines that are earlier in the year than an internship at a small organization or one you arrange yourself. When to Apply for an Internship Generally, you can apply as early as your freshman year of college for an internship. Most students will complete an internship during their junior or senior years to increase the chances of the internship leading to a job offer, but, it is becoming mora and more common for students to hold internships throughout the entire duration of their college career in order to gain experience. Many internships, especially competitive, paid programs with big-name companies, require you to have previous internship or extracurricu lar experience, so it is important to get started early if you can. When to Apply for an Internshipfor Credit Students considering internships should check their colleges deadline for applying if they are interested in receiving credit for an internship. Most colleges will not award credit after the fact if you havent registered in advance for the internship experience. Since most colleges will not secure a specific internship for students, you will also need to reach out to employers well in advance of the semester when you plan to do an internship to land a position. When to Apply forFall and Spring Internships For fall internships, you should consider contacting employers before you leave your college area in the spring if you will not be able to return until the fall semester. October is a good time to start reaching out to employers for a spring internship. If an employer indicates that they are not yet ready to consider applicants, then ask when would be the earliest d ate that you might be considered given your high level of interest in the opportunity. Local slots for unpaid internships are often filled on a first-come, first served basis, so more opportunities will be available if you apply early. When to Apply for a Paid Summer Internship Competitive paid summer internships will have deadlines as early as the late fall. The most common period of time for employers to screen applicants for paid internships will be during the period from January to March. Many colleges have resources available to help fund students who will be working at an unpaid summer internship. Check with your colleges career office for these deadlines during the fall. Applying Late for an Internship Dont worry if you are late in the process since many internships, especially unpaid ones, can be arranged as late as a month in advance of the summer or semester you are targeting. Often, this will involve students reaching out to employers who may not have even posted an opportunity (since many of the advertised internships will be filled at this point) and convincing them that you would be worth engaging as an intern. Networking with alumni, teachers, coaches, family contacts, neighbors and local professionals is also a great way to find an internship. If you need to earn some income you may be able to arrange a part-time schedule for your internship and pair it with a paid part-time job. Once youve got an internship lined up, be sure to make a plan for how youll get the most out of it. In addition to building your resume, your internships will provide valuable work experience.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

49% of Millennials plan to start their own company within 3 years

49% of Millennials plan to departure their own company within 3 years49% of Millennials plan to start their own company within 3 yearsYoung people - well people 40 years old and under - are fans of being in charge at work.Around 49% of millennials said they plan to start their own company within the next three years, while 62% of them reported having their ideal company that they would love to start, foundAmericas SBDCNetwork and the Center for Generational Kinetics ina study.The researchers considered asmall business an independently owned and operated company that employs fewer than 500 people.Those were just two findings, but there were many others across generations.It is clear that the entrepreneurial spirit is not only alive and well in America, but that people are eager to find help to build their dream business, Charles Tee Rowe, president of Americas SBDC, saidin a statement.It seems like young people arent all particularly thrilled with the idea of working for a big compa ny and navigating through a hierarchy, as their parents may have done.How workers feel about starting companiesAccording to the study, millennials like being the boss- 61% surveyed think that that there is more job security in owning your own business than in working for someone else, versus 64% of Baby Boomers who reported that its the other way around.The study classifiedmillennials as people born in the 18 years between 1977 and 1995, Gen X as people born in the 11 years between 1965 and 1976, and Baby Boomers as people born in the 18 years between 1946 and 1964.While 47% of respondents said that the possibility ofearning cash would be the biggest reason for them to start their own company, 62% said that they would rather have one that is very financially successful than one that is a lot of fun.Additionally, 62% of millennials reported that they would rather take the money, while the perception is that they just want to have fun, and 38% of them were working for a new start-up- firma in at the beginning.The researchers found out whats getting in millennials way of establishing a company- according to the study, more than 13 million think that being unaware of how to operate one or where to seek guidance is the top reason why they dont do so.Men and women judge different cash needs for companiesWhat was consistent across the board a huge proportion of all people of every generation would quit their jobs now, if given the chance. Around 41% of all generations surveyed would jump ship right now, abandoning their current jobs to start their own company in the next six monthsif they had the tools and resources they need. Around 54% of millennials said they would do so (more than any other group).Roughly 43% of all respondents said that money orthe availability of it as the fruchtwein important resource to establish a company. There was a big gender difference in judging how much money would be necessary to start a company 63% of women reported that gaining acc ess to it is the hardest part of establishing one, compared to 45% of men.Why young people dont preferbigcorporationsThe Accenture Strategy 2016 U.S. College Graduate Employment Study found that only 14% of 2016 graduates would rather work for a big company, while 44% of them would rather be employed at companyof medium size,or a small, entrepreneurial or start-up business.The online survey was given in the US- 1,005 2016 college grads on their way to the workforce responded, and 1,013 graduates from the classes of 2014 and 2015 did.The study said that based on their research, it seems like the next generation of workers are afraid of being lost in the dense forest of a large corporation. They are concerned their individual needs and talents will be neither noticed nor nurtured. They are looking for more of a me experience where their passions will be acknowledged and their career path customized to their interests.Katherine LaVelle, managing director, Accenture Strategy, commented on the research in a statement.Graduates are hungry for a culture with opportunities for rapid advancement and the ability to actually love the work that they doThis means employers will need to provide an employee experience that offers the flexibility to participate in project-based work, allowing for on-the-job learning and the opportunity to work across different roles with a small-team feel, LaVelle said.While millennials shouldnt be thought of as a monolithic category, its clear that when considering them in the context of work, they have something in common withother age groups.The Ladders/SurveyMonkey Millennial Workforce Poll found that for the Silent Generation, Generation X, and millennials, flexible hours were the most important feature for them when looking for a position.Young workers alsowant meaning from their jobs- perhaps if large corporations emphasize that this is an important goal, they will be able to attract and retain more millennial talent.